«Sara can interact with humans in a very natural and delicate way»

Ivo Herzig and his partners developed Sara  – a robotic arm for wheelchair users. The technology behind Sara allows to physically interact with humans in a very natural and delicate way. Ivo Herzig gives us some interesting insights into their technology and the beautiful moments as an entrepreneur. Robots can assist us with activities in…

MYLEG – Promoting mobility in everyday life

MYLEG promotes mobility in everyday situations for people with amputee leg by using a new, non-invasive sensory technology, wearable as an add-on to their protheses. Giacomo Valle, on of the founders, shares his visions with us, challenges and moments of joy. Let’s start with the current state of affairs. You have been accompanied by coaches…

inscape experiences – Impulse generator and inspirer for the digitalization of Switzerland

The idea of inscape experiences to make new technologies playful to experience convinced the jury at the STAGE UP Elevator Pitches. Raphael Furrer, one of the founders of the four-person start-up, introduces us to their idea and reveals his ‘best practices’ for future entrepreneurs. Let’s start with the idea. How did you actually come up…


Smart Sanitizer became SmartAir, an AI-powered solution that avoids delays and helps the passenger relax at the airport

Dominique Henri talks about the development of his start-up SmartAir. We find out who supported him on his journey and why Dominique and his team are part of STAGE UP 2021   Dominique Henri, in January you applied with a project called ‘Smart Sanitizer’. You are still you, but your project has not only changed…

Kali Tal and Tal Herman, Publisher Pro

«My biggest challenge is to turn my idea into a business»

Kali Tal is one of our STAGE UP participants. In the workshop ‘Online Networking & Basics of Business Modelling’ we got to know her better and found out what problems her start-up ‘Publisher Pro’ solves. «Who owes their current job to their network connection?» This is how Miriam Gantert, Managing Partner at Superloop, opened the…