MYLEG promotes mobility in everyday situations for people with amputee leg by using a new, non-invasive sensory technology, wearable as an add-on to their protheses. Giacomo Valle, on of the founders, shares his visions with us, challenges and moments of joy.
Let’s start with the current state of affairs. You have been accompanied by coaches in the last weeks as part of the STAGE UP competition. What was the most valuable thing for you during this time? «The coaching is particularly important for expanding the network of experts and people interested in new business ideas. A good network is the secret to have success in an innovative project.» Giacomo is convinced that this is already a good hint for future entrepreneurs. Do you have one more tip based on your experience? «Don’t get stuck on the first idea, but be ready to change it more than once. Be open to critics and discussion. It is absolutely important to take the time to develop the idea, if you don’t put in the effort it is very difficult to move forward.»
Developing the idea is a great keyword. How did you come up with the idea of MYLEG? «MYLEG came up with my colleagues and friends, Stanisa and Francesco, after important clinical trials with invasive neurotechnology implanted directly in the residual nervous system of the patients. We realize that the technology was very effective for amputees but a second surgery is not a good option for them. We collected important feedback from patients, clinicians and prosthesis manufacturers. Then we design together a wearable sensory feedback device completely non-invasive maintaining similar benefits than invasive techniques. Patients‘ feedback was fundamental for the product development!»
Your technology seems to help so many people with leg amputation to perform well and safe in their everyday life. What’s your vision for MYLEG in about 5 years? «The current system was recently tested in CYBATHLON 2020 world-wide competition which is a competition for people with disability exploiting the most advanced technology on the market. There we we won the silver medal and now we are working at the final design for home-use. So in 5-years, we see our product available for every patient with leg amputation helping hundreds of patients around the world.»
What is the biggest challenge to achieve the mentioned goal? «Reimbursement strategy is always a difficult point since it is very country dependent and for new technology often difficult.»
There are obviously always many challenges waiting. But you certainly experience moments that motivate you day after day to develop the idea further. Can you share one of them with us? «Yes, in the last years, I have collaborated and worked together day by day with several patients that are now close friends after months together. We organize barbecues and beer sessions to enjoy life! In particular I would like to thank Stefan Poth (our testimonial), Daniele Terenzi and Almerina Mascarello for many wonderful experiences together.»
Thank you so much for this great insight.